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- Titel „Léon“ auf Spine
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Mich interessiert jetzt nur noch ob die 4K Version zur normalen blu-ray einen Mehrwert bietet
Leider gibt es noch kein YouTube-Video von My Moonization. Bin selber gespannt.
Ultra4kreviews.com schreibt:
Picture Quality: 4 out of 5 starsLeon was apprised of a 4K remaster before its 4K remastered Blu-ray re-release shot on 35mm. The same source has been used to design the Ultra HD Blu-ray release, and the end product is a native 4K release. To gain the rich purity of classic cinematography, natural grain is used even though it might look like noise. It delivers a beautiful texture and looks stunning in the go. The colorful characters shown undoubtedly became more vivid and iconic in their comic book world. The end product is just a reference masterpiece. Talk about the many details provided starting from the landscape to weathered clothing to bloody faces to weapons are brilliantly portrayed in the latest Ultra HD Blu-ray release. It set a benchmark and a new standard in the level of texture and clarity. The implementation of HDR and WCG is narrow, but some shots seem to be more beautifully pictured than others. Some softness is seen, but usually, the images are sharp with attractive depths. However, there is also some lacking in areas where the lighting was poor.In short, Leon is in the US Best Buy exclusive 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray which is introduced in 3840 x 2160p in a widescreen 2.39:1 aspect ratio, using 10-bit video depth, a Wider Colour Gamut (WCG) and High Dynamic Range (HDR), and encoded using the HEVC (H.265) codec.
Nach den tollen Bildern von CrushingHell hier noch ein paar Bewegtbilder vom vorhees82@YouTube.
Schönes Steelbook, Backartwork hätte man sicher besser machen können, dafür auch schönes Disc-Design und natürlich ein gelungener 4K-Transfer.
Media Dealer hatte den anfangs für 23,97€. Hab den mit Red Heat 4k Steel bekommen und Samstag lagen beide einwandfrei verpackt in der Packstation. Stolz wie Oskar
Bei mir war es Bücher.de mit einem Gutschein. Neben Léon und Red Heat auch noch das am 7.11. erscheinende Universal Soldier Steel. Alle drei für glatt 24,— EUR pro Stück.