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Old western movie

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  • Old western movie

    It's western movie from 60's or 70's, because I watched it over 30 years ago.

    White woman is adult, but young yet. She was raised by Indian tribe, but travels in different places. She meets Indian tribe, which met her parents. The crucial scene was moment, in which Indians shows her monuments with golden "faces" her parents. She is happy, because she thinks that is something like tribute for her mother and father. Unfortunately, somebody opens door above the "heads" (something like coffins) and there are skeletons - bodies of her parents. She was feared and she was captured.

    It was very scary story, but I don't remember the title. Was ist das? :-)

  • #2
    My familiar found it for me. It's Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold (1984)


    • #3
      Zitat von wositelec Beitrag anzeigen
      My familiar found it for me. It's Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold (1984)
      never heard from that title

