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The Authority (DCU)

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  • The Authority (DCU)

    Zweiter Film aus dem neuen DC Universe.

    Zitat von der DC Homepage:

    Gunn: This is one of my real passion projects. I’ve been working really hard on it with the writers and we’re starting to put together the entire story. This is a big movie. I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the Authority. They’re WildStorm characters. WildStorm was a comics imprint that was bought by DC that I really love. We’re moving a lot of these WildStorm characters into the DCU.

    The Authority’s a very different kind of superhero story. They are basically good-intentioned, but they think that the world is completely broken and the only way to fix it is to take things into their own hands, whether that means killing people, destroying heads of state, changing governments—basically, whatever they want to do to make the world better. We’ll see how that journey goes for them.

    There are morally gray characters (in our DCU), of which these are.

    PS: We love that they think the ends justify the means and they’re the ones that decide what the right ends are.

  • #2
    Matthew Vaugn soll wohl Regie führen:

