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Booster Gold (DCU) (HBO Max)

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  • Booster Gold (DCU) (HBO Max)

    Fünfte und letzte Serie des ersten Chapters des neuen DC Universe.

    Zitat von der DC Homepage:

    Safran: A total fan favorite, as you know. A loser from the future who uses his basic future technology to come back to today to pretend to be a superhero.

    Gunn: I think of it as basically the story of a superhero’s imposter syndrome. How do you deal with that? (It’s about) how he tries to use this future technology to be loved by the people of today and what is really at the base of that. It’s a character story that’s going to be a very different type of show, and we’re talking to an actor about it now.

  • #2
    Ein sehr spezieller Held, wurder bisher noch nie so wirklich warm mit ihm.

