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1992 (2024; Vromen, T.Gibson)

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  • 1992 (2024; Vromen, T.Gibson)

    In 1992, Mercer (Tyrese Gibson) is desperately trying to rebuild his life and his relationship with his son (Christopher A’mmanuel) amidst the turbulent 1992 LA uprising following the Rodney King verdict. Across town, another father and son (Ray Liotta and Scott Eastwood) put their own strained relationship to the test as they plot a dangerous heist to steal catalytic converters, which contain valuable platinum, from the factory where Mercer works. As tensions rise in Los Angeles and chaos erupts, both families reach their boiling points when they collide in this tense crime-thriller.
    [the hatches are open!]

  • #2
    Der Trailer sieht auf jeden Fall einmal sehr vielversprechend aus! Die Aussschreitungen damals wurden cineastisch kaum beachtet und noch dazu kriegt man hoffentlich eine packende Story obendrauf.
    "Kommt Geister, die ihr lauscht auf Mordgedanken . . . und entweiht mich!" - MacBeth

