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The Substance (2024; Fargeat, Moore)

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  • The Substance (2024; Fargeat, Moore)

    Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself?
    You. Only better in every way.
    You've got to try this new product.
    It changed my life. THE SUBSTANCE.

    An explosive new film from Coralie Fargeat, starring Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley and Dennis Quaid. A MUBI Release. Winner of Best Screenplay at 2024 Cannes Film Festival. In theaters in the US, UK, Latin America, Germany, Canada and Netherlands on September 19 & 20. Coming soon to Turkey, India and more.
    [the hatches are open!]

  • #2
    Sieht interessant aus und erinnert mich ein bisschen an "The Neon Demon".
    [the hatches are open!]


    • #3

      Synopsis: Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself? You, only better in every way. You should try this new product, it's called The Substance. IT CHANGED MY LIFE. With The Substance, you can generate another you: younger, more beautiful, more perfect. You just have to share time -- one week for one, one week for the other. A perfect balance of seven days each... Easy right? If you respect the balance... What could possibly go wrong?
      [the hatches are open!]


      • Kaneda
        Kaneda kommentierte
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        Hat mein Interesse..

      • chris.p.bacon
        chris.p.bacon kommentierte
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        Kaneda - meins auch! Vllt auch für's Kino